
How To Customise Porcelain Tiles With Heritage Ceramics?

heritage ceramics tile production manufacturer exporter customised

Is it possible to customise porcelain tiles? At Heritage Ceramics, we pride ourselves on pioneering customised experiences in tile production, emphasising innovation and customer-centric processes.  

Over the two decades of manufacturing experience, we’ve observed a persistent issue in the market.  

Do you ever find yourself thinking, “Something’s lacking”?  

Despite the wide array of tiles available, numerous clients encounter challenges in sourcing tiles that perfectly align with their design, specifications, and technical needs. This is where Heritage Ceramics excels, providing customised tile production experiences. We collaborate closely with our clients to develop customised solutions that align perfectly with their project needs.  

To shed light on our approach, meet Jason, our Assistant Marketing Manager. He will discuss insights into our production process and what distinguishes Heritage Ceramics from other tile manufacturers in the field.  

Meet Jason: The Creative Force Behind Heritage Ceramics  

Heritage ceramics tile production manager

  • Q: Can you briefly introduce yourself and your role at Heritage Ceramics? 

Hi, I’m Jason! I am the Assistant Marketing Manager at Heritage Ceramics, handling tile design, catalog creation, and digital marketing. My role allows me to merge my passion for art with the functional and aesthetic aspects of tile production. 

From Passion to Profession 

  • Q: What inspired you to pursue a career in ceramics and tile production? 

Being passionate about art led me to explore various creative avenues, including the world of ceramics and tile production. When the opportunity to delve into the tile industry presented itself, I saw it as a perfect chance to blend my love for art with a practical application.

The idea of working with materials to create not just aesthetic pieces but also functional ones intrigued me. So, I made the decision to join the industry, excited by the prospect of combining my artistic interests with a fulfilling career path in tile production.   

heritage ceramics customise porcelain tiles production

The Customised Tile Production Process 

Q: Heritage Ceramics is renowned for its customised approach to tile production. Could you outline the process involved in creating customized tiles? 

Creating customised tiles involves several key steps:

1. Initial Communication and Requirements Gathering: We establish open communication channels with customers to understand their specific needs and preferences. This includes discussing slip rating requirements, color preferences, size specifications, and any other customisation requests.

2. Internal Discussion and Design Selection: We review the gathered requirements internally and discuss potential design options that meet the customer’s needs. We then select a few designs to develop further based on feasibility and market demand.

3. Sample Development: We prepare samples to evaluate the appearance, texture, and suitability for the intended market.

4. Sample Evaluation and Iteration: Collaboration with our clients is paramount at this stage. We present the developed samples for their evaluation, seeking detailed feedback. Any necessary adjustments are made promptly to ensure that the final product perfectly aligns with the client’s vision. 

5. Fine-Tuning and Production: With the feedback integrated, we fine-tune the design to perfection. Once approved, we proceed to full-scale production. 

Tailoring Production to Customer Needs 

  • Q: Can you share a memorable customised tile project? 

One memorable customised tile production project involved creating a special surface from Italy, an innovation we had never implemented before. To tackle this, we conducted extensive on-site research and experimentation with various available technologies.

The special surface required a technology that combines digital inkjet techniques with a specialized blowing process to achieve the desired effect. As this was a breakthrough in our innovation efforts, I was extremely excited to learn and overcome the challenges we faced.

Staying Current in Tile Design and Production 

  • Q:   How do you stay updated on the latest trends and innovations in tile design and production?  

Staying updated on the latest trends and innovations in tile design and production is essential for our company. One of the key ways we achieve this is by regularly attending tile fairs. These events serve as invaluable opportunities for us to immerse ourselves in the latest design concepts, color preferences, materials, and technological advancements shaping the industry.  

These events also offer networking opportunities with industry experts, suppliers, and professionals, sparking creativity and inspiring innovative tile design and production. Additionally, tile fairs showcase new technologies and glazing techniques, enabling us to experiment with cutting-edge technology and create unique, innovative tile products. 

Sustainability Practices at Heritage Ceramics 

  • Q: Can you discuss any sustainability initiatives or practices that Heritage Ceramics employs in its production processes?  

For the past 20 years, prior to this, we have been at the forefront of sustainable manufacturing – reducing carbon emissions, energy consumption and waste.  Our annual consumption used to be a huge part of our running cost. However, it is now reduced drastically, saving tonnes of CO2 emissions annually.   

Furthermore, our porcelain tiles are made using sustainable and natural materials eg clay, feldspar, sand. Heritage Ceramics is committed to technological innovation with by respecting the environment and we hope to become a company that sets a good example for the rest.  


The Future of Customized Tile Production at Heritage Ceramics 

  • Q: Finally, what do you envision for the future of Heritage Ceramics, particularly in terms of customised tile production? 

The future of Heritage Ceramics is promising, especially in customised tile production. We aim to integrate advanced technologies with our craftsmanship to create more personalised and innovative tiles. We will expand our digital capabilities, using digital inkjet and 3D printing technologies to offer unprecedented customisation. This will enable us to create intricate designs and textures, giving customers more creative freedom and precision in realizing their unique visions. 

At Heritage Ceramics, our future lies in harmonising tradition with innovation. We are committed to preserving the exceptional craftsmanship that defines our brand while integrating cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices. We recognise that achieving the perfect project vision can be challenging, which is why Heritage Ceramics is your ideal tile manufacturer. We are ready to assist you in realising your goals. 

Contact us at for a free consultation and let us help you identify and fulfill your specific tile needs. 

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